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Crew Skills & Credits – Daily Missions


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Credits and the Economy is what really rules the Galaxy, at least that’s what the Star Cabal told me. There are many ways to earn a living in SWTOR, and many ways to go broke. I’ll look toward the former on Mondays.

A newly level 50 guild member took my advice and started leveling her Biochem crew skill to 400 last week. She was undaunted, but said it took 400k credits in materials from the GTN just to hit a crew skill level of 140. I quickly went over how to gather the materials needed without every getting your hands dirty.

There is an interesting twist on crafting in SWTOR, the player never actually does the crafting work. You assign a member of your crew to complete the gathering or crafting task. You can gather in the field to speed things up if you like. As you gain levels it’s recommended you level your crew skills at a steady pace as well, to help you in your galaxy wide adventure.

Once max level you will find Daily Planetary missions to be a large part of your play time. While doing these missions don’t forget to send out your companions on their own personal crew skills chores. If you are neck deep in Section X sludge, invest in companions gathering or creating items for profit along the way.

This is a great method leveling up a neglected crew skill as well. Mouse over the item you would like to craft and discover the level of material needed. Then send your companions out on the appropriate level mission to find that material. It would be boring to just sit on the fleet and level up your crafting, get out into the Galaxy and explore while your companions are working!

Trooper crew skills

Once you are comfortably sitting at max level crafting you can send your companions out for profit. It’s common for players to spend 1,000 credits a piece on Mid Level crafting materials. The material that cost you about 200 credits to gather, could fetch 1,000 on the GTN.

This is just a starting point for Crew Skills. There are many tips and tricks to pass along, and I’ll be going over them weekly. If the community has and great tips, leave them in the comments below.

The Silversrtrike Legacy can be found on The Bastion’s Vaiken Spacedock, in the company of his fellow Zergadins.

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